Processing of payment documents for Labor Payroll

IV. Processing of payment documents for Labor Payroll

When the implementation of a municipal project is done by the Administration and the amount of labor is below P70,000.00, appointment of emergency laborers is allowed and payment is done through Labor Payroll. Payment can be made by preparing Disbursement Voucher and attachments in the Office of the Municipal Engineer upon submission by clients of complete mandatory requirements

Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Engineer
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C - Government to Client
Who may avail: Emergency Laborers

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Submit the individual residence certificates and wait for the

Agency Action :
Receives the individual residence certificates of the emergency laborers

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 5 minutes

Person Responsible:
Nenita M. Torres

Agency Action :
Prepares the Disbursement Voucher and the attachments and hand-in to the head of the emergency laborers thereafter

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 1 hour

Person Responsible:
Nenita M. Torres

Step 2

Receive the Disbursement Voucher, bring to other offices for the required signatures and forward the same to the Accounting Office for review

Agency Action :
The Municipal Engineer and other authorized personnel sign the Disbursement Voucher and other attached documents

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 15 minutes

Person Responsible:
Engr. Gilberto F. Mercado
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Engr. Jon Louie P. Salapare
Engr. Honeylet C. Carandang
Engr. David B. Hernandez

Total Time:


1 hour and 20 minutes