Processing of documents for clients requesting partial payment or full payment for various bided projects
Processing of documents for clients requesting for partial payment or full payment for various bided projects
Processing of documents for clients requesting for partial payments or full payments of various bided projects are processed in the Office of the Municipal Engineer. This is done by preparing the Disbursement Voucher upon submission by clients of complete mandatory requirements
Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Engineer
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C – Government to Client
Who may avail: Suppliers/Contractors
Checklist of Requirements
Process - A. For bided infrastructure projects
Step 1
Sign in the clients’ logbook upon entering the office
Agency Action :
Give the logbook to the client
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 2 minutes
Person Responsible:
Assigned employee
Step 2
Submit the letter of request for inspection
Agency Action :
Receive the letter of request and verify the project name and location
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 3 minutes
Person Responsible:
Engr. Jon Louie P. Salapare
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Step 3
Wait for the result of the inspection
Agency Action :
Proceed to the project site to conduct the inspection and notify the client thereafter
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 2 hours
Person Responsible:
Engr. Jon Louie P. Salapare
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Step 4
Submit the billing statementfor proper assessmentand wait for the result
Agency Action :
Receives the billing statement and prepares the Accomplishment Report after the assessment and notify the client thereafter for the result
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Engr. Jon Louie P. Salapare
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Step 5
Submit other requirements listed in the checklist
Agency Action :
Receive other documents and check as to relevance and completeness.
If the documents are complete, prepare the Disbursement Voucher. If not, notify the client to submit the lacking documents
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 6
Wait for the Disbursement Voucher while being prepared
Agency Action :
Prepare the Disbursement Voucher With complete attachments and hand-in to the client after the preparation
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 2 hours
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 7
Receive the Disbursement Voucher, bring to other offices for the required signatures and forward the same to the Accounting Office for review
Agency Action :
The Municipal Engineer and other authorized personnel sign the Disbursement Voucher and other attached documents
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 15 minutes
Person Responsible:
Engr. Gilberto F. Mercado
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Engr. Jon Louie P. Salapare
Engr. Honeylet C. Carandang
Total Time:
5 hours and 20 minutes
Process - B. For bided construction materials and other supplies
Step 1
Submit the delivery receipt and wait for the confirmation as to completeness of items delivered
Agency Action :
Accept the delivery receipt and verify the completeness of items delivered, sign the same if complete and return to client
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Mabini Guino
Step 2
Submit the required documents listed in the checklist
Agency Action :
Accept the documents submitted and check as to relevance and completeness.
If complete, prepare the Disbursement Voucher with complete attachments. If not, notify the client to submit lacking documents
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 3
Wait for the Disbursement Voucher while being prepared
Agency Action :
Prepare the Disbursement Vouchers and attachments and hand-in to the client after the preparation
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 2 hours
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 4
Receive the Disbursement Voucher, bring to other offices for the required signatures and forward the same to the Accounting Office for review
Agency Action :
The Municipal Engineer and other authorized personnel sign the Disbursement Voucher and other attached documents
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 15 minutes
Person Responsible:
Engr. Gilberto F. Mercado
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Engr. Jon Louie P. Salapare
Engr. Honeylet C. Carandang
Total Time:
3 hours and 15 minutes
Process - C. For purchase of vehicles and heavy equipment
Step 1
Submit the delivery receipt and wait for the confirmation if the item delivered conforms with the specifications
Agency Action :
Examine the item delivered as to conformity with the specifications. If it does, conduct the necessary tests. If it does not, notify the client for item replacement
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Glen Magnaye
Step 2
Wait for the result of test conducted
Agency Action :
Conduct the necessary tests for the item delivered, sign the delivery receipt if the item satisfactorily passed the tests conducted and return to the client
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 1 hour
Person Responsible:
Glen Magnaye
Step 3
Submit the required documents listed in the checklist
Agency Action :
Accept the documents submitted and check as to relevance and completeness.
If complete, prepare the Disbursement Voucher with complete attachments. If not, notify the client to submit lacking documents.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 4
Wait for the Disbursement Voucher while being prepared
Agency Action :
Prepare the Disbursement Vouchers and attachments and hand-in to the client after the preparation
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 2 hours
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 5
Receive the Disbursement Voucher, bring to other offices for the required signatures and forward the same to the Accounting Office for review
Agency Action :
The Municipal Engineer and other authorized personnel sign the Disbursement Voucher and other attached documents
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 15 minutes
Person Responsible:
Engr. Gilberto F. Mercado
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Total Time:
4 hours and 15 minutes
Process - D. For supply of medicines and other medical supplies
Step 1
Submit the delivery receipt and wait for the confirmation as to completeness of items delivered
Agency Action :
Accept the delivery receipt and verify the completeness of items delivered, sign the same if complete and return to client
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
MHO assigned employee
Step 2
Submit the required documents listed in the checklist
Agency Action :
Accept the documents submitted and check as to relevance and completeness.
If complete, prepare the Disbursement Voucher with complete attachments. If not, notify the client to submit lacking documents.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 3
Wait for the Disbursement Voucher while being prepared
Agency Action :
Prepare the Disbursement Voucher and attachments and hand-in to the client after the preparation
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 2 hours
Person Responsible:
Gina De Villa
Step 4
Receive the Disbursement Voucher, bring to other offices for the required signatures and forward the same to the Accounting Office for review
Agency Action :
The Municipal Engineer and other authorized personnel sign the Disbursement Voucher and other attached documents
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 15 minutes
Person Responsible:
Engr. Gilberto F. Mercado
Engr. Pedro B. Buela
Total Time:
3 hours and 15 minutes