Issuance of Roadworthiness Certificate to Tricycle operators for renewal/new application of Franchise

II. Issuance of Roadworthiness Certificate to Tricycle operators for renewal/newapplication of franchise

Issuance of Roadworthiness Certificate to tricycle operators is a requirement for renewal/new application of franchise. Units are being inspected by MEO personnel to find out if there are defects in the lighting system, brake system, horn, turning signal lights and other important information about the unit. Certificate is issued after passing the mandatory inspection and submission of required documents

Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Engineer
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C - Government to Client
Who may avail: Tricycle Operators/Drivers

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Submit the required documents listed in the checklist and wait

Agency Action :
Receive the set of documents submitted and examine as to its completeness. If completed, proceed with the inspection of the unit; if not, notify the client to complete the documents and return

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 5 minutes

Person Responsible:
Ruel Coronel
Jose Dindo Fausto

Step 2

Accompany the MEO personnel to the unit to conduct the inspection and wait until done

Agency Action :
MEO personnel conduct the inspection. If there are problems or defects, notify the operator/driver to fix the problem and return for another inspection. If none, return to the office to process the certification

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 20 minutes

Person Responsible:
Ruel Coronel
Jose Dindo Fausto

Step 3

Wait for the issuance of the certificate

Agency Action :
MEO personnel prepares the certificate, sign and hand-in to the client

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 15 minutes

Person Responsible:
Ruel Coronel
Jose Dindo Fausto

Total Time:


40 minutes