Processing and Issuance of Development Permit
X. Processing and Issuance of Development Permit
A Development Permit is a permit issued or granted to any developer which will allow him/her to proceed to the development activities reflected in the approved plans after securing Preliminary Approval and Locational Clearance (PALC)
Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Engineer
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C – Government to Client, G2G – Government to Government, G2B – Government to Business
Who may avail: Any individual, firm or corporation, government agency/instrumentality
Checklist of Requirements
Step 1
Submit the duly accomplished forms and the documentary requirements listed in the checklist
Agency Action :
1.1 Receive the duly accomplished forms and documentary requirements.
1.2 Conduct preliminary evaluation of the documents submitted as to relevance and completeness. If completed and approved, documents will be endorsed to the Sangguniang Bayan for deliberation and final approval. If not, the documents will be returned to the applicant for compliance.
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time :
1.1 30 minutes
1.2 2 days
Person Responsible:
Receiving officer
Municipal Engineer
Step 1.2
Wait for the final approval of the Sangguniang Bayan
Agency Action :
1.2 The Sangguniang Bayan as a whole or the committee members assigned in the approval of plans for subdivisions, memorial parks, cemeteries, resorts and the like deliberate for the final approval of the application. If final approval is granted, the applicant will be notified of the approval and the documents returned to the Office of the Municipal Engineer for assessment of fees. If not, the applicant will be notified of the disapproval and the documents will be returned for compliance
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 17 days
Person Responsible:
Sangguniang Bayan Members
Step 2
Receive the Order of Payments
Agency Action :
Prepare the Order of Payment and hand-in to the client
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Step 3.1
Pay the necessary Fees at the designated cashiering area and surrender the Official receipt to the receiving officer
Agency Action :
Receive the Official Receipt of payment
Fees to be Paid: As prescribed in the Revised Local Revenue Code dated 2013 (See attachment)
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
MTO Clerk
Step 3.2
Receive the documents and proceed to the Office of the LCE for signature
Receive the documents and proceed to the Office of the LCE for signature
Agency Action :
The Municipal Engineer signs the Development Permit and the approved plans and hand-in to the applicant
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 1 hour
Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Step 3.3
Accept the documents, proceed to the Office of the Municipal Engineer
Agency Action :
The LCE signs the documents and return the same to the applicant
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 1 hour
Person Responsible:
Step 4.1
Return the documents to the receiving area
Agency Action :
The receiving officer receives the documents
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 15 minutes
Person Responsible:
Receiving officer
Step 4.2
The applicant claim the Development Permit and other pertinent documents
Agency Action :
Municipal Engineer separates the documents to be released and hand-in to the applicant
Fees to be Paid: None
Processing Time : 30 minutes
Person Responsible:
Municipal Engineer
Total Time:
19 days 4 hours 15 minutes