Processing and Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy

VII. Processing and Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy

Certificate of Occupancy is a document issued by the Building Official certifying that the Building/structure was completed and can be occupied/used in accordance with the

approved use. The processing and issuance of Occupancy Permit is done in the Office of the Building Official after inspection of the building/structure, submission of complete documents and payment of necessary fees

Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Engineer
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C – Government to Client, G2G – Government to Government, G2B – Government to Business
Who may avail: Any individual, firm or corporation, government agency/instrumentality 

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Submit the duly notarized application forms and the documentary requirements listed in the checklist

Agency Action :
1.1 Receive the duly accomplished application forms and documentary requirements

1.2 The Building Official and the BFP evaluate the documents forwarded by the receiving officer; three (3) sets will be provided to municipal Fire Marshal for review of fire safety requirements as required for the issuance of Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC). A joint inspection team will conduct the inspection of the structure. After final inspection by the OBO and receipt of the BFP status report, OBO and local BFP simultaneously prepare the Order of Payment if approved and passed the requirements and hand-in to the applicant. If disapproved, applications with deficiencies will be issued comprehensive correction sheet and/or notice of disapproval stating all deficiencies for compliance

Fees to be Paid: 1.1 None
1.2 As prescribed in the NBCDO MC No. 1 s 2004 (Please see attached document) and FCP

Processing Time :
1.1 30 minutes
1.2 2 days

Person Responsible:
1.1 Lorelie I. Magsino
1.2 Representatives from OBO and BFP

Step 2

Receive the Order of Payment

Agency Action :
The OBO and BFP simultaneously prepare the Order of Payment and hand-in to the applicant

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 15 minutes

Person Responsible:
Representatives from OBO and BFP

Step 3

Pay the necessary Fees and charges at the designated cashiering area and surrender the Official receipt to the receiving officer

Agency Action :
3.1 Receive the Official Receipt of payment 

3.2 Consolidate all the certificates (Certificate of Occupancy & Fire Safety Inspection certificate-FSEC)

3.3 The Building Official sign and issue the Certificate of Occupancy

Fees to be Paid: As prescribed in the NBCDO MC No. 1 s2004  and FCP

Processing Time : 30 minutes

Person Responsible:
Clerk from the office of the Treasurer

Step 4

Claim the Certificate of Occupancy

Agency Action :
4.1 The releasing officer record the necessary information from the Certificate of Occupancy in the logbook

4.2 Release the Certificate of Occupancy

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 30 minutes

Person Responsible:
Lorelie I. Magsino
Radito Anoran

Total Time:


2 days 1 hour 45 minutes