Processing and Issuance of Certificate of Use (For Constructed Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure-PTTIs)

XII. Processing and Issuance of Certificate of Use (For Constructed Shared Passive Telecommunications Tower Infrastructure-PTTIs)

An Occupancy Permit is required before any building or structure is used or occupied. It is usually secured after the completion of a building or structure. It is also required if there is any change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building, structure or any portion thereof. It is also a requirement before the issuance of a Business Permit.

Office or Division : Office of the Municipal Engineer
Classification : Simple
Types of Transaction : G2C – Government to Client, G2G – Government to Government, G2B – Government to Business
Who may avail: Any individual, firm or corporation, government agency/instrumentality

Checklist of Requirements


Step 1

Submit the duly notarized Certificate of Use Application Form and all other pertinent documents listed in the checklist

Agency Action :
Receive the documents and verify as to relevance and completeness

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 30 minutes

Person Responsible:
Receiving officer

Step 2

Wait for the result of inspection and issuance of the Order of Payment

Agency Action :
Evaluate the documents submitted. If complete, an inspection will be conducted in the building/structure subject for the issuance of certificate of Use. If approved, prepare the Order of Payment and hand-in to the applicant. If not, documents will be returned to the applicant for compliance.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 2 days

Person Responsible:
Evaluation Team

Step 3

Pay the necessary fees and charges to the designated cashiering area and surrender the Official Receipt to the receiving area

Agency Action :
Receive the Official Receipt and the Building Official sign the Certificate of Use. Head of other agencies sign other clearances and certificates

Fees to be Paid:  As prescribed in the NBCDO MC No. 1 s2004 and other applicable laws

Processing Time : 30 minutes

Person Responsible:
MTO Clerk

Step 4

Applicant claim the Permits/Certificate of Use

Agency Action :
Releasing officer record important information from the documents in the logbook and release the Permits afterwards.

Fees to be Paid: None

Processing Time : 30 minutes

Person Responsible:
Releasing officer

Total Time:


2 days 1 hour 30 minutes